Ethics and filteration about Citizen Journalism

It is worth to say that journalism has their power in hand to direct the public. The film "Good Night and Good Luck" obviously presents the power of journalists by showing the story of Morrow, a journalist who discloses the evil doing of a politician to the public and thus pushes him out of the stage of polity.
As the public takes a part in journalism, everyone has chances to report incidents by using mobile phones, cameras and makes sound tracts. The newspapers widely open their doors to accept and encourage people to be active in this area as well.
It is true that by accepting the power of the public makes the news reporting be more efficient, wider and interesting; however, will the news reporting becomes unilateral and extreme? People may remember the incidents of election in Iran. The Daily Telegraph published the pictures of the shooting and death videocut from citizen in Iran. Half of the page were used to report passer's emotional words in the contemparary time. The music student's death shocked the public. "Neda", as the Daily Telegraph says, becomes a slogan.
Yes it is true that war and conflicts are unavoidable shame in human history. However, journalists hold the power to direct the public to see the incident more clearly. Therefore, I believe that the truth behind the death is more important to know rather than the emotional scenes beside the death. This is the efficient way of reduce the conflict.
The citizen journalists in this case study provide the video and emotional image which is just a piece of ice of the berg.
Let's quote some words of Mark Twain, "Necessarily we are all fond of murders, scandals, swindles, robberies, explosions, collisions, and all such things, when we know the people, and when they are neighbors and friends, but when they are strangers we do not get any great pleasure out of them, as a rule. Now the trouble with an American paper is that it has no discrimination; it rakes the whole earth for blood and garbage, and the result is that you are daily overfed and suffer a surfeit
Focusing on the truth rather than emotions is the efficient way to figure out the complicate situations. Therefore, like the film
"Good Night and Good Luck", the journalists used their power well to end a cabal, jounalism and citizen journalism should value the power and use it to direct the public to the right way. It is not what to write, but why and how to write.


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